This policy is a statement of the principles and procedures regarding first aid and prescribed and non-prescribed medicines for children at Northern Ballet.
It is the responsibility of guardians to:
At the start of each academic year, guardians should give the following information about their child’s long-term medical needs, via the programme registration process. The information must be updated as and when required, and at least annually.
If a child requires first aid, a qualified first aider will administer the appropriate treatment in accordance with their training. If deemed necessary, a staff member will call 999 for emergency medical response.
If any guardian wishes to refuse emergency first aid on behalf of their child, they should inform the Programme Manager at the beginning of the year, or when starting a programme. This should be in writing and detail the following:
Each time first aid is given to a child, a member of staff will complete the First Aid Log which records the following:
We expect guardians to administer medication to their children at home wherever possible. This means that where the administration of medicine during their time at Northern Ballet can be avoided it should be. Prescribed medication will not be administered without prior written permission from the guardians including written medical authority if the medicine needs to be altered (e.g. crushing of tablets). Equally, staff will not give a non-prescribed medicine to a child unless there is specific prior written permission with a valid reason for the administration of the medicine from the guardians. A Medical Permission Form must be completed and signed in all cases.
The relevant Northern Ballet Programme Manager will determine if medication is to be administered on site, and by whom, following consultation with staff. All medicine will normally be administered during breaks and lunchtimes. If, for medical reasons, medicine has to be taken during the day, arrangements will be made for the medicine to be administered at other prescribed times. Children will be told where their medication is kept and who will administer it.
Any member of staff giving medicine to a participant, should check on each occasion:
Written permission from guardians will be required for children to self-administer medicine(s) via the Medical Permission Form.
For safety reasons, children are not allowed to carry medication unless agreed on an individual basis. Such arrangements will only be agreed after completion of the Medical Permission Form. All other medicines must be handed to the Programme Manager on entry to the Northern Ballet premises.
All medicine, in the care of Northern Ballet, must be stored strictly in accordance with product instructions (paying particular note to temperature) and in the original container in which dispensed. In most instances medication will be kept in an administration office. All medicine will be logged onto the medical file. Class teachers may store participants inhalers which must be labelled with their name. All emergency medicines, such as inhalers and adrenaline pens, must be readily available to
children. Programme Managers will be responsible for storing EPI-Pens.
Some medicines may need to be refrigerated. They can be kept in a refrigerator containing food but must be in an airtight container and clearly labelled. There must be restricted access to a refrigerator holding medicines. There is a refrigerator located in the Academy of Northern Ballet office for such purposes.
Each time medication is given to a child, a member of staff will complete the Medication Log which records the following:
If a child refuses to take their medication, no Northern Ballet staff member will force them to do so. Guardians will be informed as soon as possible. Refusal to take medication will be recorded and dated on the child’s record sheet. Reasons for refusal and any action then taken by the staff member will also be recorded.
The Programme Manager will ensure that all staff are aware of Northern Ballet’s planned emergency procedures in the event of medical needs.
It is likely that there will be some children attending Northern Ballet with a range of medical needs which need to be known by staff members. Details of any medical needs should be updated annually, as a minimum via the programme registration form. The details will be stored in compliance with GDPR guidelines.
Administering First Aid and Medicine Policy updated February 2020