Northern Ballet aims to run all classes as scheduled without interruption. However, we recognise that there are times when a class may need to be cancelled or re-scheduled due to unforeseen or dangerous circumstances.
This policy outlines these circumstances and what Northern Ballet endeavour to do in each situation. The below situations are by no means exhaustive, and any additional unforeseen circumstance will be dealt with using the below as guidance.
In all situations the safety of our participants is our first concern and guardians will be notified of any situations that arise as quickly as is possible.
In times of extreme weather Northern Ballet will monitor the weather in Leeds City Centre, and accessibility of the city centre by car, bus and train. Decisions regarding the cancelling/curtailing of classes will be made based on the situation in Leeds City Centre.
If it is necessary to cancel a class guardians will receive a text message/email or phone call informing them of the cancellation. For an evening class, a decision to cancel will be made by 13.00 on the day of the class, for a weekend class a decision to cancel will be made by 13.00 on the last working day before the day of the class. In extreme emergencies we reserve the right to cancel a class up to 15 mins before the class start time. On this occasion any child who arrives for a class unaccompanied by an adult will be kept at Northern Ballet until a guardian has been contacted and home travel arrangements have been confirmed.
If it is necessary to end a class early, participants will be kept on site until a guardian has collected them or spoken with a member of staff to confirm their child’s travel arrangements. Guardians are expected to confirm any travel arrangements by e-mail for our records.
If a guardian is concerned about worsening weather at home, they can contact or call Northern Ballet and ask for their child to leave class early to get home safely. If this occurs the child will be kept on site until a guardian has collected them or has confirmed the child’s travel arrangements. For any child travelling independently, travel arrangements must be e-mailed to Northern Ballet by the guardian.
For full details of our fire evacuation procedures please e-mail your Programme Manager.
If classes are cancelled due to fire, or the risk of fire, guardians will be contacted by text/e-mail or phone as soon as it is safe for our staff to do so. Any participant arriving for a scheduled class/or classes will not be able to access the building until it has been made safe. They will need to report to, and wait with, staff at the fire assembly point.
If a fire alarm sounds whilst participants are in class, the Northern Ballet fire evacuation procedures will be followed, and participants will not be able to sign out, collect their things or leave the designated evacuation point until the area has been made safe and all occupants of the building have been accounted for. This may mean participants stay beyond their class finish time and that guardians are unable to collect their child until the fire risk is over.
For full details of our building terror threat procedures please email your Programme Manager.
If classes are cancelled due to a terror threat, guardians will be contacted by text/email or phone as soon as it is safe for our staff to do so. Please note, once the building has gone into lockdown, any child arriving for class will be unable to access the building until the risk is over and the building has been reopened. If the child has travelled alone to Northern Ballet, they will need to remain in contact with their guardian until they arrive home safely.
If a terror threat occurs whilst participants are in class, the building will go into lockdown and all occupants will be housed/locked in the building. Occupants will not be able to leave the building until it is safe to do so. Any guardian wanting to collect a child will not be able to do so until the building lockdown ends.
If it is deemed that participants cannot safely access Northern Ballet for their classes due to events or failures in the Leeds City Centre region, for example, public transport failure or protests, classes will be cancelled, and guardians will be contacted by text/e-mail or phone as soon as staff are made aware of the situation. On this occasion any child who arrives for a class unaccompanied by an adult will be kept at Northern Ballet until a guardian has been contacted and home travel arrangements have been confirmed.
If it is necessary to end a class early, participants will be kept on site until a guardian has collected them or contacted a member of staff to confirm their child’s travel arrangements. For any child travelling independently, travel arrangements must be e-mailed to Northern Ballet by the guardian.
In the event of a local or national lockdown for any reason, Northern Ballet will follow the advice and instructions as set out by the Government and other local/national bodies. Decisions will be made dependant on the restrictions given for the Leeds City Centre area. Where possible an alternative method of learning will be offered. For example, Zoom classes or pre-recorded classes.
If classes are run remotely of the building the guardian must take responsibility for their child’s health and safety during each session and have read the Company disclaimer. Remote learning class times may be shortened or adapted to accommodate all classes.
Guardians will be kept up to date through regular e-mails with changes to their child’s classes.
If it is necessary to cancel a class due to teacher shortage or building failure, guardians will receive an e-mail or text message informing them of the cancellation. For an evening class, a decision to cancel will be made by 13.00 on the day of the class, for a weekend class, a decision to cancel will be made by 13.00 on the last working day before the day of the class. In extreme emergencies we reserve the right to cancel a class up to 15 mins before the class start time. On this occasion any child who arrives for a class unaccompanied by an adult will be kept at Northern Ballet until a guardian has been contacted and home travel arrangements have been confirmed.
If it is necessary to end a class early, participants will be kept on site until a guardian has collected them or spoken with a member of staff to confirm their child’s travel arrangements. For any child travelling independently, travel arrangements must be e-mailed to Northern Ballet by the guardian.
If a class is cancelled within control of Northern Ballet due to staff shortage, building failure etc, a refund will be offered.
If a class is cancelled for something beyond our control meaning the participants would be unsafe due to, but not limited to, extreme weather, terrorist threat, or fire no refund will be offered.
In the event of a national lockdown or the introduction of social distancing rules, when classes may be consolidated, shortened, or taught remotely, the fees for the academic year will remain the same and no discounts will be given. Training will continue at the same standard and a suitable alternative provision will be provided.