Northern Ballet aims to create a positive, friendly and happy environment for everyone to dance and learn in, that fosters good relationships, encourages effective learning for all and creates the opportunity for all participants to thrive, enjoy dancing, gain resilience and confidence.
We expect participants to comply with all the below expectations that are applicable to the event they are participating in.
Northern Ballet reserves the right to take action if we consider that any individual is not acting in an appropriate manner or complying with the above terms.
Corporal punishment is never used at Northern Ballet in any circumstances.
Northern Ballet takes issues around bullying extremely seriously and will deal with any such issues using the full possible range of actions outlined in this policy, up to and including permanent exclusion.
Bullying is discussed in the Anti-Bullying Policy, Appendix G.
Any person wishing to complain about any issue dealt with under the Participant Code of Conduct should report concerns to the Programme Manager or the Designated Safeguarding Leads.
Northern Ballet has a duty to ensure that all participants are treated fairly, in line with the Equalities Act 2010. Where a participant is considered at risk, this will be given due and appropriate regard when assessing an incidence of poor behaviour. No participant will be sanctioned when their behaviour is the result of a disability, mental health condition or other protected characteristic. However, there may be occasions where actions need to be taken to assure the safety of the individual concerned or the wider community; this may include creating a bespoke behavioural contract which specifically details expected behaviour and the support package in place.