This building guide is designed for visitors to the Relaxed Performances of Hansel & Gretel. This document contains information and images to help prepare anyone who may be anxious or curious about their visit.
The ballet is being shown at the Stanley & Audrey Burton Theatre at Northern Ballet. Here is a picture of Northern Ballet. There are travel instructions of how to get to Northern Ballet on the How to Find Us page of the website.
There is an accessible entrance to the Northern Ballet building, which is through the first door on your left as you look at the building. It has a power-assisted door and there is a button on the right that will open the door for you. The door opens outwards.
The foyer gets busy before the show as lots of people wait here to go into the auditorium where the ballet will be performed.
There will be some decorations and crafts in the foyer for you to enjoy. You are welcome to take the craft resources home with you if the table is too busy.
In the foyer is our Box Office and Reception. This is where you can collect tickets if you don’t have e-tickets. If you have any questions about the performance or the theatre you can ask our Reception team for help.
There are toilets on the left-hand side of the foyer as you enter the building, including an accessible toilet. The female toilet has cubicles, the accessible toilet is unisex, and the male toilet has cubicles and urinals. During Relaxed Performances the hand dryers will be turned off.
A changing room with changing bed and hoist is available during the Relaxed Performance. This is situated through the door to the right of the café. A volunteer can direct you to the changing room. You should bring your own sling to use with the hoist, the bed is at a fixed height.
Please note there is no running water in this space, nor is there a toilet. We provide anti-bacterial wipes, spray and cloth, and baby wipes. We also provide latex free gloves and plastic aprons.
In the foyer there is a café area where you can buy drinks and snacks before the show or after the performance has ended. If you would like somewhere to sit before you go into the auditorium, there are some seats in the café. You are also welcome to bring your own food and drinks with you.
The entrance to the theatre is next to the Box Office and Reception desk. The route into the theatre is level.
Volunteers will be waiting by the door to the auditorium and as you go in, they will scan your tickets with a small scanner that makes a noise. They will show you where to sit.
In the theatre is the auditorium, which is a large space with seating where you will sit to watch the performance. There are about 200 seats. In front of this is the stage, which is where the performance will take place.
On your ticket you will find your seat number. Our volunteers will help you find your seat. There might be some steps up to your seat. If you are a wheelchair user, the volunteers will let you know where to go, there is level access for you.
If you have a wheelchair or mobility aid which you would like to store during the performance, please let a volunteer know and they will store it at the back of the auditorium.
The door to the theatre will open about 20 minutes before the show starts. You can take your seat when the theatre opens or if you prefer, you can wait until the show is about to start and then go in.
You can bring drinks into the theatre in plastic cups, or paper cups with lids for hot drinks.
This is the stage where the dancers will perform the ballet. It is important that audience members do not go on to the stage, as it could be dangerous.
Once everyone is in their seat, the performance will start. You’ll know it’s time as the lights will dim (although they won’t go fully dark). There might be another announcement welcoming you to the show.
During a performance we try to be quiet so that we can hear the music, but in a Relaxed Performance you can make noise and move around if you need to. You can leave the auditorium at any point and come back as you wish.
The performance is 40 minutes long and it runs from start to finish without an interval (break).
Before the performance starts please make sure that you have turned off your mobile phone and please do not take photos during the show. If you need to use your phone to access the performance, please ensure it is on silent and, where possible, in airplane mode.
Ear defenders are available if you don’t like loud noises. We also have some fidget toys available. Please ask a volunteer if you require them.
Booster seats are available which give small children more height in their seat. Please ask a volunteer if you require one.
A chill out space is available outside the auditorium if you need somewhere quiet to go either during the show or before and after the performance. This is situated through the door to the right of the café. After each Relaxed Performance of Hansel & Gretel, the chill out space will close at 12pm.
The chill out space will have beanbags and some chairs. There are some sensory and fidget toys. We try to keep this space quiet for those that need it.
Once the performance has finished the audience usually claps and cheers. The performers take a bow and the curtains close.
The audience will then leave the auditorium and go back into the foyer.
The foyer can be busy at this time as people chat, finish their drinks and start to head home.
You can stay sitting in your seat until the foyer becomes quiet if you want to.
If it would be useful for you to visit the theatre before the day of the show to have a look at the facilities, you would be very welcome to do this. To arrange a suitable time for a member of staff to show you around please call 0113 220 8000 and ask for Sam Moore from the Learning team.