To apply for either the Centre for Advanced Training, the Associate Programme, or both you must complete the application form here.
You will be directed to make a payment of £35 per applicant. This fee is the same whether you decide to audition for one or both programmes.
If you are a parent/carer applying on behalf of more than one child, please complete the application process separately for each child.
The Academy of Northern Ballet has a limited number of free auditions for students wanting to audition for the CAT programme. These are given on a means tested basis. To apply for a waiver please complete the application form first. After submission you will be given the option to fill out the waiver.
All applicants will be offered a preliminary audition slot via email following the closing date, which can be found on the applications page. Please allow 5 working days following this date for your timetable to be sent to you. If you haven't heard from us please contact academy@northernballet.com and we will look into this for you.
*Please ensure that you give correct email contact details on your application form and check your junk mail folder before contacting the Academy.
You will be given designated arrival time to arrive for registration on the day of your audition. Please arrive with your dancewear under your outdoor clothes as there will be no changing space available. Prior to your audition you will be given a number and can warm up in the studio provided.
You will participate in a ballet class (45 min – 1.5 hrs age/course dependent) in front of an audition panel that will be appropriate for the expectations of your age range. You do not need to prepare any material prior to your audition.
If something new is demonstrated in the audition that you haven't done before, please don't worry. Ask your audition teacher if you're not sure or don't understand something and just have a go! Your teacher will be happy to answer any questions you have.
You can find all audition dates on our applications page.
*Recalls for Senior Associates and 12+ CAT may be invited to join a current class where they will be assessed instead of the suggested recall.
Junior, Intermediate foundation and Intermediate Associates will experience a ballet class similar to their preliminary audition. No pointe work will be required.
Senior Associates will be invited to a Senior Associate session which will include a ballet class with pointe work and a contemporary class.
Recalls for age 10 and 11 CAT students will include a ballet class similar to the preliminary audition.
Older level CAT students will be invited to join a current CAT class which may include pointe work.
Yes, definitely! We understand that students can improve significantly within a year and encourage unsuccessful applicants to return the following year to re-audition. We have current students on our courses where this has been the case.
You can wear your regular dance attire for your audition.
A leotard and flat ballet shoes with elastics and socks/ transition tights are preferred in case you are asked to perform any tasks in bare feet. Hair should be off the face in a classical style with no accessories or jewellery.
Please have hair off your face. T-shirt/Leotard with tights/shorts and flat ballet shoes with elastics and socks.
If you do not have a regular dance kit you are invited to wear something comfortable to move in that will show your movements clearly such as your PE kit. Please no socks, denim or outdoor footwear.
All students should bring a water bottle into the audition studio with them.
We look at skills such as musicality, co-ordination and facility. In older auditionees we will be looking for a good foundation of strength and technique. Expectations for successful audition will vary depending on age and the course applied for.
If you are auditioning for more than one course, you will be required to attend two auditions on the same day.
We have more than one audition slot for each age group so you will not be in a class with everyone who is auditioning for a place on the course.
If you are unable to make your audition time/date please let us know as soon as you can by emailingacademy@northernballet.com. Although we cannot guarantee an alternative audition we will do our best to try and see you at another time/date.
We will email you with the result of your preliminary audition within 5 working days.
Your final result will be emailed to you within 5 working days of the audition.
Due to the high number of applicants we see we are unable to offer any feedback following your audition.
The cost of our auditions is £35 and you may audition for both programmes for this price.
If you are applying for our CAT programme and need financial assistance to attend the audition we do have limited support available offered on a means tested basis. Please fill in our waiver form which is available upon completion of the application.
Northern Ballet is located in Leeds City Centre.
Our Address is: 2 St Cecelia Street, Leeds LS2 7PA.
We are approximately a 20 minute walk from the train station and are located very close to Leeds bus station.
Please note there is no onsite parking at Northern Ballet.
The closest car parks to Northern Ballet are Victoria Gate Car park and NCP The Markets. Please note that Quarry Hill car park is no longer in use.
Auditioning dancers will need to arrive at Northern Ballet for their designated arrival time and be picked up promptly at their finish time. Parents/carers are welcome to wait in the building while the audition is taking place. If parents/carers decide to leave the building during their child's audition, children must be collected promptly at the end of their audition.