We like to think A Christmas Carol is a little bit unique, partly because our talented dancers sing live on stage! We caught up with vocal coach Ewan Gilford along with dancers Aerys Merrill and Albert González Orts on how nerve-wracking it was to sing live on stage for the first time.
Ewan: It has been very enjoyable to see the journey of the dancers singing throughout the rehearsal process. They have all been so enthusiastic about pushing themselves out of their comfort zones. Introducing everyone to vocal technique has not been without its challenges. Muscle groups that are used day in day out for ballet dancers have to be used in a very different way. Hats off to them for this achievement.
Albert: Controlling your breath can be hard while singing and dancing. Singing before a dancing number is fine, for me it’s harder to do it the other way round.
Aerys: Trying to sing after dancing is very hard. I have a lot of respect to those in musical theatre. I often find that if I don't prepare and pace myself then I will be out of breath and can't sing and project.
Ewan: A couple of dancers have really stood out for their vocal abilities!
Ewan: Safety in numbers helps! A lot of the vocal numbers are sung together in a crowd, for example, in a town square setting or within a Christmas party. This has given the dancers the ability to not worry about their individual sounds as much and has built confidence and volume over the process.
Albert: I personally was not very nervous about the fact that we had to sing on stage but obviously it is something that made all of us a bit anxious, as it is something that we are not used to doing. It’s good to see how after a few shows no one is shy anymore and we sing with all we've got.
Aerys: It hasn't been too bad for me either. I find it easier singing with other people but I didn't know any of the words to the songs. I grew up in a different Christian culture. It was hard at first, I think ‘A Great and Mighty Wonder’ was the hardest.
Ewan: Carl Davis' fabulous score for A Christmas Carol includes many traditional carols within the orchestral score. Not to mention the carols sung live by the dancers and a beautiful solo sung by our Tiny Tims, who are local child singers from each city that we tour to. This makes for a unique ballet experience for the audience!
Aerys: I can't say that I have a favourite part, it's hard to pick! But I do like the Ghost of Christmas Past scene. Her entrance is beautiful.
Albert: A brilliant moment in the show is Tiny Tim’s solo song, it’s such a special moment in the show and the little boy sings live. He definitely inspired us!
I think is a very special show that will bring a smile to everyone sat in the audience.
Photos Tristram Kenton and Emily Nuttall.